One of the key assumptions of the standard linear instrumental variables (IV) model is that the instruments and endogenous variables are correlated. This is the identification assumption, without which the usual IV estimator is neither consistent nor asymptotically normal. If the correlation between the instruments and the endogenous variables is nonzero, but slight, then the conventional Gaussian asymptotic theory for the IV model can nevertheless provide a very poor approximation to the actual sampling distribution of estimators and test statistics. Recognizing the identification assumption on which the IV model relies, it is quite common in the applied literature to test for instrument relevance by a first-stage F-test. The null hypothesis is one of a total lack of identification. A rejection of this hypothesis by no means implies that issues of weak instruments can be ignored (Staiger and Stock, 1997). But a failure to reject this hypothesis is a strong indication of identification difficulties. The firststage F-test is an important and useful diagnostic in the IV model. The generalized method of moments (GMM) model (Hansen, 1982) nests the linear IV model as a special case. Not surprisingly, analogous issues arise in this model. Researchers have found that, in many contexts, the conventional Gaussian asymptotic theory provides a poor approximation to the sampling distribution of GMM estimators and test statistics. There are many possible reasons why this could happen, but they include identification problems. However, I am aware of no test of the identification condition in the nonlinear-inparameters GMM model in the existing literature. This paper proposes such a
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