and falls in the scope of fixed point theory for the Hammerstein operators, i.e., operators which can be written KN with K : Z-+ X linear. References to works devoted to this theory can be found in the extensive bibliography given in the survey papers of Dolph and Minty [l] and of Ehrmann [2]. If X and Z are Banach spaces and L-lN is completely continuous on the closure cl Sz of some open bounded set D C X, a very powerful device for proving the existence of fixed points of L-IN is Leray-Schauder degree theory for mappings of the form I T with I the identity and T : cl i2 -+ X completely continuous. Since the publication of the basic and now classical paper of Leray and Schauder [3], their theory has been extended in several ways, A number of them conserve the form of the mapping but allow X to be a more general topological vector space (Rothe [4], Leray [5], Nagumo [6], Browder [7], Altman [8, 93, Klee [lo]), th eir approach remaining in the spirit
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