It is known that an abridged case of the averaged planar general three-body problem, at first-order resonance, is analytically integrated, using an expansion of the disturbing function linear in the eccentricities. There exist different methods with the help of which the integration can be performed. For the first time Sessin and Ferraz-Mello in the years 1981–88 (Sessin, 1981, 1983; Ferraz-Mello and Sessin, 1984; Ferraz-Mello, 1987, 1988) did an analytic integration for the restricted elliptic three-body problem, in terms of the variablesK andH (K=ΣD j e j cos (ψ1−π j ),H=ΣD j e j sin (ψ1−π j ),D j = const, wheree j and π j are, respectively, the eccentricity and the longitude of the periapsis of thei-th planet, ψ1 is the Delaunay's anomaly), which is inconvenient for the analytical investigation of the evolution of the major semi-axesa j , the eccentricitiese j and the resonance phases ϕ j =ψ1−π j . Later, a different method for the analytical integration of the general three-body problem, in the variablesa j ,e j and ϕ j , was considered by the author (Shinkin, 1993). A disadvantage of both methods is the fact that they use non-canonical changes of variables. But there exists a third very beautiful canonical method of analytical integration of the general planetary problem, which is briefly considered in the present paper and allows us to describe the bifurcations of separatrices (i.e. appearance, disappearance, splitting and confluence of separatrices) separating the domains of libration and circulation of the resonance phase on the phase plane in the averaged planar general three-body problem at first-order resonance. The bifurcation parameter is analytically found and plays an important role in a qualitative description of all kinds of motion in the examined problem.
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