A spatial-temporal scheme based on non-uniform subband general parameter filter banks for broadband beamforming of scaled aperture array is proposed in this paper. The scaled aperture array is composed of several uniformly-spaced linear subarrays, each of which processes an octave subband signal respectively. The non-uniform subband signal is implemented by tree-structure general parameter filter banks. Each subarray broadband beamforming is carried out by a kind of tapped-delay-line (TDL) infinite-impulse-response (IIR) filters beamformer, and four subarrays share the same weights. This processing architecture based beamformer splits the broadband signal into several narrower subband ones which are processed in parallel, and subarray is operating with lower sampling rate, which contributes to decreasing the computational load significantly and improving the speed and performances as well. Simulations show that computation complexity and load of this beamformer are much lower relative to the conventional TDL broadband beamfomer.
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