DR. MACFARLANE has added a new pleasure to railway travelling, or rather, by means of this geological guidebook, he has done much to make it both enjoyable and instructive. The idea of the book is excellent, and the plan seems to us thoroughly satisfactory. Now that we have this manageable little flexible book before us, it seems strange that such a guide has not been thought of before, but perhaps not so strange that our enterprising friends on the other side should set an example to their Old-World brethren. We believe the prospectus of some such guide was issued in this country several months ago; if so, we recommend its compilers to obtain a copy of Dr. Macfarlane's book, and take several leaves out of it. If no such work is being prepared for the forlorn traveller of our islands, we advise some of our Survey-men to lay their knowledge together, and produce a similar guide as speedily as possible; they will be doing a public service, and if the result is, as satisfactory as in the case of the book before us, they will, we feel confident, reap something more substantial than thanks. In compiling his tables, Dr. Macfarlane has had the assistance of some of the most eminent geologists in the States, and some of the information has not before been published. The tables are very similar to railway time-tables, having on the left hand side of the names of the stations, the miles between each, and on the right, instead of the times, the names of the leading formation to be seen along the route. The tables are so constructed as to be useful for a continuous journey through the States in any direction, and, at the same time, to give an idea of the leading geological characteristics of each state. Appended is an index to railroads, and a general geological map of the States. Prefixed are about fifty pages of instructive information, consisting mainly of methodical descriptions of the various formations of North America, and containing Dana's and Hunt's tables of formations. By carefully studying this the traveller will be in a fair position to profit by the tables, and by the faithful use of these much practical knowledge of geology may be acquired even by the ignorant, while to the geologist they will be a constant source of enjoyment; the handy volume is much more easily managed than a map. We may state that the tables refer to Canada as well as the States.
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