We construct the general two-Higgs doublet model effective field theory where the effects of additional new physics are parametrized by operators up to mass dimension-six. We further transform this effective theory to the Higgs basis and provide matching of the Wilson coefficients between the two descriptions. We illustrate the advantages of the Higgs basis which include the separation of operators that modify standard model couplings and masses from operators that contribute to scattering processes only, transparent correlations between scattering processes resulting from the same operator, and derivation of correlations between different operators in specific UV completions. For completeness, we also construct specific versions corresponding to four types of two-Higgs-doublet models: type-I, -II, -X, and -Y, distinguished by Z2 symmetries which restrict the couplings of the Higgs doublets to standard model fermions. Furthermore, we derive general vacuum and stability conditions of the scalar potential in the presence of higher-dimensional terms. Published by the American Physical Society 2024
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