Microelectrodes were first applied to the study of sediment properties by Revsbech et a l (1980) who used a membrane type polarographic microelectrode to describe the distribution of dissolved O2 in sediment pore water with sub-millimeter resolution. Because of their small size, microelectrodes can be used without destroying the sediment sample. In addition, they can be used to observe how the concentration of a species in the pore water varies in response to changes occurring at the sediment water interface as well as to examine solute transport in pore waters. A number of other analyte-specific membrane-type microelectrodes have been introduced, including e lec t rodes for HzS, N20 (Revsbech et al. , 1988), and pH and pCO2 (Cai and Reimers, 1993). Combination electrodes have been developed for OzfN20 (Revsbech et al. , 1988) and O2/H2S (Visscher et al., 1991) but for the most part each electrode can only measure one species. The use of microelectrodes has had a profound impact on our understanding of dynamic processes within the uppermost few mm of the sediment, where many of the reactions that involve organic carbon mineralization take place. There is strong interest in anaerobic sulphide oxidation by Fe and Mn oxide minerals and bacterial reduction of Fe and Mn (e.g. Aller, 1988). The first tool to determine dissolved Fe and Mn on (sub)millimeter scales was a gel diffusion technique (e.g. Davison et al. , 1994). In this method, the gel sampler is placed in the sediment and porewater constituents diffuse into the gel. After allowing sufficient time for equilibrium to be established between the gel and the pore water, the sampler is carefully removed and subsampled by cutting the gel into thin sections. The analyte of interest is then leached from the gel sections and analysed. The gel technique has so far not provided measurements of 02 and H2S. A solid state Au/Hg voltammetric microelectrode that can measure rapidly, at the same time, and with (sub)millimeter spatial resolution, five of the principal redox species involved in early diagenesis (02, Mn 2+, Fe 2+, HS-, and I ) as well as FeS and Fe(III) species was developed by Brendel and Luther (1995). This tool can be used to measure the distribution of these redox components in the porewaters of marine and freshwater sediments as well as temporal changes at any given depth.
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