Papermaking wastewater consists of a sizable amount of industrial wastewater; hence, real-time access to precise and trustworthy effluent indices is crucial. Because wastewater treatment processes are complicated, nonlinear, and time-varying, it is essential to adequately monitor critical quality indices, especially chemical oxygen demand (COD). Traditional models for predicting COD often struggle with sensitivity to parameter tuning and lack interpretability, underscoring the need for improvement in industrial wastewater treatment. In this manuscript, an optimized papermaking wastewater treatment method is proposed that predicts effluent quality using node-level capsule graph neural networks (PWWT-PEQ-NLCGNN). To improve the accuracy of predicting important effluent COD quality indices, the NLCGNN weight parameters are optimized using the hermit crab optimization (HCO) algorithm. The performance of the proposed PWWT-PEQ-NLCGNN technique demonstrated improvements over existing techniques. Specifically, the proposed strategy achieved 30.53%, 23.34%, and 32.64% higher accuracy; 20.53%, 25.34%, and 29.64% higher precision; and 20.53%, 25.34%, and 29.64% higher sensitivity compared to the water quality prediction model using Gaussian process regression based on deep learning for carbon neutrality in papermaking wastewater treatment system (WQP-GPR-DL-CLPWWTS), the prediction of effluent quality in papermaking wastewater treatment processes using dynamic kernel-based extreme learning machine (POEQ-PWWTP-DKBELM), and the quality-related monitoring of papermaking wastewater treatment processes using dynamic multi-block partial least squares (QRM-PWWTP-DMPLS). These results highlight the potential of the PWWT-PEQ-NLCGNN method for enabling timely and accurate monitoring of wastewater treatment processes.
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