This article presents an evaluation of four models that are widely used in developing Gaussian plume models, based on the atmospheric stability class and the Pasquill-Gifford curves. The four statistics used to evaluate the models are the sum of residuals, the minimized sum of the squared residuals, the correlation coefficient, and the estimated error standard deviation. Evaluation shows that all of the four models have problems in fitting the Pasquill-Gifford data when the downwind distance increases from the source. A new model has been developed which fits the Pasquill-Gifford data more effectively than the previously developed models studied. INTRODUCTION The Gaussian plume model is the most common air pollution model. It has been used extensively in the atmospheric sciences to predict atmospheric dif fusion [1-7] as well as in agricultural engineering for odor emission problems [8-11]. However, a correct calculation of the dispersion parameters ay and σζ in the Gaussian plume model is necessary. The quantities oy and σζ represent the crosswind and vertical standard deviations of the dispersing plume respec tively, and are functions of the atmospheric stability class and the downwind 27 © 1998, Baywood Publishing Co., Inc. doi: 10.2190/6CKR-LJRB-UMAD-J7UC 28 / CHEN, HOFF AND BUNDY distance of the receptor from a source. Many models of the dispersion parameters have been developed [12-15]. These models are widely used in developing Gaussian plume models. The following questions arise for research in agricultural odor dispersion: Which model is the best to use and how should the prediction models be compared if the models for dispersion parameters are different? The objectives of this research were 1) to evaluate four models using the dispersion parameters ay and σζ based on the atmospheric stability class and the Pasquill-Gifford curves, and 2) to develop a new model, which is simple in form and fits the Pasquill-Gifford curves more effectively. ATMOSPHERIC STABILITY AND PASQUILL-GIFFORD CURVES One of the major meteorological factors that affect odor pollution phenomena is atmospheric stability. Atmospheric stability categorizes the turbulent status of the atmosphere and affects the dilution rate of odor. Pasquill characterized atmo spheric stability using six classes based on the incoming solar radiation, the cloud amount at night, and the wind speed: A, very unstable; B, unstable; C, slightly unstable; D, neutral; E, slightly stable; F, stable (Table 1) [16]. The Pasquill-Gifford curves are families of curves of ay and σζ as functions of the atmospheric stability class and the downwind distance (see Figures 1 and 2). The curves are used as the base reference to evaluate four models of the disper sion parameters ay and σζ because they are the most used formulation for U.S. EPA regulatory modeling applications [5]. Table 1. Stability Categories [3]