Abstract In view of possible laser isotope separation schemes of uranium, the photophysical and photochemical properties of gaseous UF 6 have been the subject of experimental and theoretical investigations in the last few years. In particular the use of laser light to exite the fluorescence emission of the UF 6 molecules has provided a fruitful tool for the study of the dynamics and structure of the excited electronic states. The fluorescence emission from UF 6 excited in the visible-UV (A-X band: 340–410 nm) exhibits different time behaviour and quantum yield as a function of excitation wavelength. These experimental data can be explained in terms of a model involving two excited electronic states. In addition due to the very low quantum yield ( −4 ) a very efficient quenching mechanism must be present. This mechanism may arise from the following processes: (i) Deactivation of the excited molecule through the internal degrees of freedom of either the same molecule or through collisions with other molecules. (ii) Dissociation process. We may note, of course, that only process (ii), if followed by a chemical or physical removal of the photoproducts, would be useful for a laser isotope separation scheme. New experimental data are reported in order to elucidate the quenching process. Mixtures of UF 6 and H 2 in different ratios have been irradiated at 360 nm and 400 nm in a monel cell carefully passivated. The two excitation wavelengths were chosen in order to excite preferentially one or the other of the two electronic states, which contribute to the A-X absorption band. After irradiation, a definite pressure drop in the reaction cell due to photochemical reactions has been observed. The stoichiometry of the photochemical reactions that we expect to occur is: 2UF 6 + H 2 → 2UF 5 (solid) + HF (1) With a stoichiometric UF 6 :H 2 initial pressure ratio, a pressure drop very near to the expected value of 2/3 of the initial pressure has been found. This result enables us to rule out the possibility of UF 6 decomposition into UF 4 , which would lead to a final pressure higher than that expected. The experimental time behaviour of the overall pressure drop has been interpreted in terms of the following reaction mechanism: F + H 2 → HF + H (3) H + UF 6 → UF 5 + HF (4) H + H + M → H 2 + M (5) F + UF 5 → UF 6 (6) in which M represents all possible collisional partners. According to this reaction scheme, the following conclusions have been drawn: (i) UF 6 molecules excited at 360 nm dissociate with a yield that is almost 1; (ii) H atoms produced by reactions (3) undergo reaction (4) rather than (5). (iii) Under excitation at 400 nm a photodissociation quantum yield of 0.71 has been found. Thus the dissociation process seems to be the predominant quenching mechanism of UF 6 excited in the A-X band.
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