New light super-heat-resistant powder Ni3Al and NiAl-based alloys (of the Ni-Al-Mo-B, Ni-Al-Fe-La, and Ni-Al-Y2O3 systems), as well as a new technology for preparing and processing them have been developed. The density of the alloys was 7.3-7.5 and ~6 g/cm 3, respectively. The Ni3Al sheets were used to prepare shields for combustion chambers in gas-turbine engines by roomtemperature deformation; the shields are intended for the long-term operation at 1100-1200°C and for the short-term use at 1300°C. The activated NiAl powders alloyed with Fe+La were used to produce sintered complex-shape articles, such as combustion stabilizers in a jet unit of combustion chamber of the gas-turbine installation, heat sources, etc. capable of operating at t≤1500°C under low mechanical stresses. At 1100, 1300, and 1500°C, the 100-h strength of the heat-resistant NiAl- (2-7.5) vol. % Y2O3 alloys subjected to directional recrystallization is 70, 35 and ≥10 MPa, respectively. The vanes, in which the length of recrystallized grain is smaller than the vane length by a factor of 1.5-2, were manufactured from these alloys.