WE have received from Messrs. Griffin and Tatlock, Ltd., Kemble Street, Kingsway, W.C.2, a copy of their illustrated catalogue, No. 50 L, of scientific apparatus. This describes, in 900 pages or more, instruments and apparatus for the physical sciences, including mechanics, sound, heat, light and elec tricity, with the addition of laboratory fittings and a list of chemicals. The catalogue also contains a very useful classified list of standard textbooks and recent publications on all branches of physics, chemistry and general science. Of special interest to the teacher of physics is the “Microid Physical Series” comprising apparatus and instruments of new and improved design for demonstrating physical principles. This series contains more than one hundred items and we may instance as articles possessing novel features of interest the circular trolley and centrifugal force apparatus, an apparatus for finding “g”, a rotating platform for illustrating angular momentum (Pohl), the universal projector, spectrometer, and optical bench, the potentiometer and the earth inductor. A section on microscopy includes an inexpensive micro-projector and drawing apparatus for biological and other subjects. Among technical testing apparatus we find the Griffin-Sutton bomb calorimeter, the Boy's gas calorimeter, and also microid pyrometers. It is gratifying to find that British firms are now active in the design and construction of scientific apparatus.
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