The Banded Gneissic Complex (BGC) of the Aravalli Craton in Rajasthan, northwestern India, forms the Archaean basement to the major, extensively studied, Proterozoic-age metasedimentary sequences of the Aravalli and Delhi Supergroups. However, the poorly documented deformation history of the basement and other supracrustal sequences, and insufficient geochronological work, limit a holistic understanding of the evolution of the Aravalli Craton. Here we present structural analysis and zircon and monazite geochronology of the relatively poorly studied Pur-Banera supracrustal belt in the Bhilwara region of south-central Rajasthan. The belt comprises paragneisses, carbonates, calc-gneisses, banded iron formations, garnetiferous schists, and amphibolites, deposited over Aravalli Supergroup rocks and locally also granite. A single detrital zircon core from the Pur-Banera paragneisses yields a 207Pb/206Pb age of 3159 ± 8 Ma (1σ), indicating a Mesoarchaean protolith. Magmatic zircon grains from the granite, here termed the Malola Granite, provide a 207Pb/206Pb crystallisation age of 2538 ± 11 Ma (95% confidence). The Pur-Banera supracrustals have experienced three phases of deformation, D1–D3, each of which produced a tectonic fabric. Zircon and monazite geochronology provides complementary ages. The detrital zircons, derived from both magmatic and metamorphic protoliths, provide ages of 3.2–1.7 Ga. Monazite ages of 1.3–0.8 Ga record multiple post-depositional tectonothermal events. Textural and compositional evidence and U–Th–total Pb monazite ages indicate that D1 deformation occurred at ca. 1.30 Ga as a result of NW–SE-directed shortening, forming upright folds on the primary foliation that resulted in a penetrative fabric in the gneisses and schists. Subsequent NNE–SSW-directed deformation (D2) between 1.13 and 1.05 Ga produced WNW–ESE-trending vertical folds in the gneisses and crenulations in the schists. Asymmetrical folds developed due to N–S dextral shearing at 0.85–0.80 Ga constitute the last phase of deformation (D3). The Pur-Banera supracrustal rocks probably represent a rift-fill sequence, of Mesoproterozoic age (thus temporally equivalent to the Delhi Supergroup), deposited on an Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic basement, and repeatedly reworked during 1.30–0.80 Ga.
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