The present capacity models for freeways descended from the early 70th, and were partly using the HCM 1965 Highway Research Board (1965) as background. Not especially valid for the todays freeway network. During the last decade one large project, Traffic Performance on Major Arterials (TPMA) Carlsson et al. (2000a), Carlsson et al. (2000b) and Carlsson et al. (2002) has been implemented. New models for basic freeway segment, merging and weaving segment was developed. A new model for weaving were developed 2010 with new empirical data Strömgren (2011). In addition to the manual calculation method for not oversaturated condition a time-space model that also handled oversaturated conditions has been included.The development of the model started with analysis of video and aerial photo to be able to calculate the jam density, the last point in the oversaturated regime curve. The oversaturated flow-density curve has been developed using the density at capacity for a certain cross section and speed limit based on empirical data of flow and density in oversaturated conditions including jam density.The development of the Swedish space-time model used FREEVAL Transport research Board (2010). The resulting computer model, called CALMAR, CALculation of performance for Motorway ARterial facilities, was built in VB.NET and VBA. Calibration of the model was done by using the Swedish capacity models for link, merging, diverging and weaving but also flow-density estimations. All other country specific parameters as speed limits etc. was set to Swedish conditions. A traffic environmental factor was implemented describing the environment where the freeway is situated, and divided into rural or urban. Urban conditions has an interchange density higher or equal to 0.5 (interchanges/km), rural conditions has a density lower than 0.5 (interchanges/km).The model was calibrated for four and six lane freeways with merging or weaving lanes. The speed limit range from 70 kph to 120 kph in step of 10 kph. The model has its limitations. Lane width, shoulder width, distance to obstacles, gradients for ramps and length of merging was not taken into account, since no relationship could be found in the empirical data.The validation of the model was carried out for three different cases on the A4 freeway south of Stockholm, one accident, one vehicle break down and one at oversaturated condition due to high demand flow. Recorded flows from the motorway control system (MCS) as well as the automatic incident detection (AID) data from this system were used to identify queue increases and decreases. Reports from the roadside assistance team were also used to identify the degree and duration of bottleneck blockade.A careful collection of flows including bottleneck throughput and upstream demand were collected in the cases of accidents. The throughput and the upstream flow (demand) on the upstream not affected link before the end of the queue were registered for each time step (60minutes). The throughput flow was used as the capacity value in CALMAR, and the demand flow upstream as the segment demand. This was repeated for each time step of 60minutes. In the case with oversaturated condition no explicit change of the capacity in the bottleneck was done. The capacity was indirectly changed by the related interchange, where the number of lanes was changed from 3 to 2 lanes and the speed limit decreased from 100 kph to 80 kph. The demand flow was captured as in the two first cases.To estimate the queue length AID data was collected from the MCS database and converted from binary to decimal format. Data from 12 MCS gantries for each accident in the southbound direction, and 18 gantries in the northbound direction were collected. The average gantry spacing was 200-300 m.For each time step the end of the queue was registered as a length from the bottleneck where the AID alarm was registered. The AID gives a sign of 30 kph without flashing lamps and has a threshold of 22 kph. This means that the speed is in the range of 0 to 22 kph. A check is also done in the speed flow data from the MCS, if speed less than approximately 10 kph the density is too high for the radar detectors and no data will be recorded.The result from the validation showed a good fit. The CALMAR model gives in case 1, southbound accident, a maximum queue length of 2472 m and the maximum empirical queue length was 2635 m. Case 2, northbound vehicle breakdown gave a CALMAR queue length result of 3608 m compared to a maximum empirical queue length of 3530 m. Case 3, northbound oversaturated condition, gave a CALMAR result of 4149 m queue length and an maximum empirical queue length of 4310 m.
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