The investigation of play and literacy was based on monitoring data of five classes of six-year-old ch ild ren fro m 2006 to 2010, and an analysis of the teaching plan: performance records of children, interviews with parents; oral testimony of children, teacher records and reports from the toy library. The data indicates the relevance of the curriculu m with activity, med iation and use of imaginary p lay and games with the support of signs and artifacts. The research found that mediation is most appropriate when there are t wo teachers for imp lementing activ ities related to the pedagogy of games for literacy. The study addresses the use of play and games in literacy for child ren of six years in the elementary school i and the analysis of the concepts of activity, play and mediat ion, under the historical-cu ltural perspective. The changes in the education system that incorporated six-year-o ld ch ildren - who previously attended pre-school at that age - into elementary school justifies the need to prepare proposals for adapting the education of these children through play and the acquisition of new knowledge that is required for entering elementary school level . The experiment was conducted by means of the collaborative work of researchers and teachers of the School of Education at the University of Sao Paulo (FEUSP) and the Application Scholl (EA) . The intention to expand the elementary school period fro m eight to nine years had already been announced in the National Education Law of Gu idelines and Bases no. 9394/96. In 2001, the National Education Plan indicated the national education goal of bringing forward the compulsory, free education to the age of six. This public policy began to be planned in 2004, and was included in the texts published in subsequent years, and 2010 was established as the limit for its deployment throughout the country. The reasoning for the expansion of primary education to nine years is based on the urgency of building an inclusive, civic, supportive and quality school for all, and on greater time spent in school(1,2,3).