In this paper we use classical and behavioral game theory to predict coalition behavior in a sequential three-person laboratory game. In the laboratory situation used for the three studies reported in this paper, each player seeks to maximize the rank of his final accumulated point score in relation to the total scores of the other members of his triad. We assume that, unable to solve the sequential game as a single supergame, each player forms a simplified representation of the situation by adopting short-run, surrogate objectives for the outcome of each game in the sequence. In particular, we assume that each player seeks to maximize the status of his current total score during each game in the sequence. Given these surrogate objectives, we represent each trial in the sequential game as a distinct game of status in characteristic set function form. Using this formal model of the situation, we extend a solution concept from n-person game theory to identify which of the possible outcomes of each game in the sequence are, in a game theoretic sense, stable. We then add the assumption that each player obeys a bargaining maxim prescribing that coalition members should agree to an outcome in which one partner outranks the other if and only if he also enjoys higher rank when the coalition forms. We modify the game theoretic solution by considering only outcomes that conform to the bargaining maxim. The behavioral modification substantially improves the success game theory achieves in predicting rank outcomes observed in the three laboratory studies. However, with or without the modification, the game theoretic solution concept fails to predict which coalitions form in these studies. Finally, we develop an alternative theory that predicts not only the rank outcomes of each game in the sequence but also the probability that each coalition forms. The empirical success enjoyed by this theory in predicting the ranks acquired on each game is greater than that attained by the unmodified game theoretic predictions, and is nearly comparable to that achieved by the behaviorally modified game theoretic solution. Moreover, the alternative theory's robust coalition predictions are strongly supported by the results from the three laboratory studies.
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