The benefits of exercise for older adults are well known; however, most older adults do not meet recommendations for regular physical activity. Alternative methods of improving physical activity are important and can be effective at improving mobility. This analysis evaluated if participation in a Whole Health companion dog adoption program supported changes in balance and gait performance for veterans. The role of time veteran and dog spent being physically active together (i.e., walking) on observed balance and gait changes was also explored. Veterans were paired with companion dogs and physical function, self-reported physical activity, and gait quality with an instrumented 6-minute walk test were assessed at baseline and after 1 year of participation. Physical activity was captured by accelerometers worn by both the veteran and dog. Paired samples t-tests were used to evaluate change in gait and physical performance measures from baseline to follow-up. Simple linear regressions were used to explore the role of time the veteran and companion dog spent being active together on observed changes in gait and physical function. Participants completed informed consent before participation in the IRB-approved study procedures (HP-97664; 1651218). Fourteen veterans (71.4% male, 62.3 ± 12.0 years) participated in the program. Improvements were seen in balance (Four Square Step Test change 95% CI: -3.94 to -1.36 s), lower body strength (30-second Chair Stand change 95% CI: 1.89-6.40 reps), and endurance (6-Minute Walk Test change 95% CI: 27.03-80.55 m). Gait quality improved (stance time 95% CI: -0.11 to -0.03 s, stride time 95% CI: -0.09 to -0.02 s). Of participants, 42% reported increased physical activity at follow-up. The percentage of the day veterans and their dogs spent being active together explained 31%-33% of the changes in functional performance. A Whole Health companion dog adoption intervention can improve gait, balance, physical functioning, and physical activity.
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