In real life, information about the world is uncertain and imprecise. The cause of this uncertainty is due to: deficiencies on given information, the fuzzy nature of our perception of events and objects, and on the limitations of the models we use to explain the world. The development of new methods for dealing with information with uncertainty is crucial for solving real life problems. In this paper three interval type-2 fuzzy neural network (IT2FNN) architectures are proposed, with hybrid learning algorithm techniques (gradient descent backpropagation and gradient descent with adaptive learning rate backpropagation). At the antecedents layer, a interval type-2 fuzzy neuron (IT2FN) model is used, and in case of the consequents layer an interval type-1 fuzzy neuron model (IT1FN), in order to fuzzify the rule’s antecedents and consequents of an interval type-2 Takagi–Sugeno–Kang fuzzy inference system (IT2-TSK-FIS). IT2-TSK-FIS is integrated in an adaptive neural network, in order to take advantage the best of both models. This provides a high order intuitive mechanism for representing imperfect information by means of use of fuzzy If–Then rules, in addition to handling uncertainty and imprecision. On the other hand, neural networks are highly adaptable, with learning and generalization capabilities. Experimental results are divided in two kinds: in the first one a non-linear identification problem for control systems is simulated, here a comparative analysis of learning architectures IT2FNN and ANFIS is done. For the second kind, a non-linear Mackey–Glass chaotic time series prediction problem with uncertainty sources is studied. Finally, IT2FNN proved to be more efficient mechanism for modeling real-world problems.
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