Association rule mining (ARM) is an important research issue in the field of data mining that aims to find relations among different items in binary databases. The conventional ARM algorithms consider the frequency of the items in binary databases, which is not sufficient for real time applications. In this paper, a novel hash table based Type-2 fuzzy mining algorithm (T2FM) with an efficient pruning strategy is presented for discovering multiple fuzzy frequent itemsets from quantitative databases. The algorithm employs a hash table based structure for efficient storage and retrieval of item/itemset which reduces the search efficiency to O(1) or constant time. Previously, type-2 based Apriori and FP-growth based fuzzy frequent itemsets mining were proposed, which required large amounts of computation and a greater number of candidate generation and processing. Meanwhile, the proposed approach reduces a huge amount of computation by finding the common keys before the actual intersection operation takes place. An efficient pruning strategy is proposed to avoid unpromising candidates in order to speed up the computations. Several experiments are carried out to verify the efficiency of the approach in terms of runtime and memory for different minimum support threshold and the results show that the designed approach provides better performance compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms.
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