Alkali chloride based melts can be used in pyrochemical reprocessing various types of spent nuclear fuels, especially those of fast neutron reactors. There is a possibility of refabricating uranium oxide or mixed uranium-plutonium oxide fuel by electrodeposition of UO2 or (U,Pu)O2 from chloride melts containing uranyl (or a mixture of uranyl and plutonyl) ions. At high temperatures uranyl chloro species undergo decomposition yielding UO2 + ions and finally UO2. Increasing temperature and lowering partial pressure of chlorine in the atmosphere above the melt shifts the equilibrium towards the decomposition products. In fact, uranium(V) ions are often present in uranyl-containing melts and, if unaccounted for, result in increased current efficiency of UO2 electrodeposition process. Electronic absorption spectroscopy allows a convenient method for detecting and measuring concentration of uranium(V) in uranyl-containing electrolytes. Absorption spectra of uranium(V) species in fused salts were reported over fifty years ago but still remain the least studied especially from the quantitative side concerning molar absorption (extinction) coefficient values. Uranium(V), f 1-electron configuration, absorbs in the visible region of the spectrum and the spectra have there two broad bands with the maxima around 620 and 775 nm not overlapping with the absorption of uranium(VI) ions, Fig. These bands correspond to two f–f transitions in UO2Cl4 3– complex ion, i.e., φ5u → 3π1u and φ5u → 3π3u. The aim of the present work was studying the effect of temperature and cationic melt composition on the absorption spectra of uranium(V) ions and determining molar absorption coefficients. The measurements were performed in individual alkali chlorides and their mixtures of various compositions including LiCl, CsCl, LiCl–KCl, LiCl–KCl–CsCl, NaCl–KCl, NaCl–CsCl. The temperature range varied from 350 to 850 oC depending on the melt. Uranium(V) ions were obtained in situ by reducing uranium(VI) ions with hydrogen. Uranium dioxide was also produced but no soluble uranium(IV) species in the melt were detected. After recording the spectrum a sample of the melt was taken and analyzed for the total uranium concentration and the mean uranium oxidation state which always was between five and six. From that, concentration of U(V) and V(VI) ions in the melt were calculated and U(V) extinction coefficients determined. The results obtained allow determination of U(V) concentration in technological electrolytes. Acknowledgement. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (project No. 4.5062.2017/8.9). Fig. Electronic absorption spectra of LiCl–KCl based melts containing U(VI) ions (line 1) and a mixture of U(VI) and U(V) ions at a 3 : 2 ratio (line 2). Total uranium concentration 0.038 mol/l, T = 550 oC. Figure 1
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