In Iceland, farmed salmonids are vaccinated against A. salmonicida ssp. achromogenes (Asa), which causes atypical furunculosis and is endemic in local waters. Classical furunculosis, caused by A. salmonicida ssp. salmonicida (Ass), was not diagnosed in this country until June 1995. In the present study, protection in experimental challenges against atypical and classical furunculosis in Atlantic salmon vaccinated with an autogenous Asa bacterin (Iceland Biojec.OO, IBOO), a commercial furunculosis vaccine (Biojec.1500), or a mixture of both vaccines was compared. The results showed that both vaccines gave protection against an injection challenge with Asa. However, better protection was obtained with the IBOO (homologous) vaccine. Infection of Asa by cohabitation could not be established in fresh water. Fish vaccinated with Biojec.1500 or with both vaccines simultaneously were equally well protected against Ass in a cohabitation challenge. On the other hand, no protection against classical furunculosis was achieved in fish vaccinated by IBOO alone.