Chlorella is a green alga consumed as dietary food supplement in pulverized form. In addition to its high nutritional value, it is reported as an excellent detoxifying agent. The pulverized Chlorella is partially soluble in water and insoluble portion has been reported for removal of mercury, cadmium and radioactive strontium from body. Chlorella contains a variety of metal-binding functional groups such as carboxyl, amino, phosphoryl, hydroxyl and carbonyl groups, which has high affinity towards various metal ions. The present study was envisaged to evaluate the chelating effect of water soluble fraction of Chlorella powder (AqCH) on metal ions. Fura-2 fluorescence ratio (F340/F380) was measured by fluorescence spectrometer (FS) after the exposure of chloride salt of metals viz., strontium, cobalt, barium, cesium, thallium and mercury to lymphocytes. Pretreatment of AqCH (0.1-20mg mL-1) was given to evaluate the attenuating effect on fura-2 fluorescence ratio induced by metal ions. The intracellular levels of these metal ions were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) and fluorescence microscopy (FM). Pretreatment with AqCH significantly attenuated the metal induced fluorescence ratio in dose-dependent manner. The results of AAS and FM were found in coherence with fura-2 fluorescence ratio which emphasized that AqCH significantly prevented the metal ions internalization. The present study suggests AqCH chelates with these metal ions and prevents its interaction with cells thereby reducing the intracellular mobilization of Ca2+.
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