Studies on semiconductor electrochemistry have been actively carried out since the 1950's mainly from fundamental points of view. Many reviews and books were published by the early 1970s (1-7). The paper by Fujishima and Honda on "Electrochemical Photolysis of Water at a Semiconductor Electrode" was published in Nature in 1972 (8) and it became very important as the 1st oil crisis took place in 1973 as this paper suggested that solar energy may be directly converted to chemical energy, hydrogen, by using semiconductor/aqueous electrolyte solution/metal cells.In this talk, I will describe the impact of the "Fujishima and Honda Effect" in the early days of photoelectrochemical research.References Green, in Modem Aspects of Electrochemistry, No. 2. Ed. by J. O'M. Bockris, Butterworths, London, 343-407 (1959).F. Dewald. in Semiconductors. ACS Monograph, No. 140, Ed. by N. B. Hannay, Reinhold, New York, 727-752 (1959) Adv. Electrochem. Electrochem. Eng., Vol. 1, Ed. by P. Delahay, lnterscience, New York, 139-232 (1961).P. Holmes. Ed., The Electrochemistry of Semiconductors, Academic. London, 1962.V. Myamlin and Yu.V. Pleskov, Electrochemistry of Semiconductors. Plenum, New York. 1967.Gerischer, in Physical Chemistry: An Advanced Treatise, Vol. IXA. Ed. by H. Eyring. Academic. New York. 1970, Chap. 5.R. Morrison, Prog. Surf. Sci., 1(1971) 105.Fujishima and K. Honda, Nature, 238 (1972) 37.PV 77-3, "Semiconductor Liquid-Junction Solar Cells", by A. Heller.PV 82-3, "Photoelectrochemistry: Fundamental Processes and Measurement Ed. by W. L. Wallace, A. J. Nojik, and S. K. Deb.PV 88-14, "Photoelectrochemistry and Electrosynthesis on Semiconducting Materials", by D.S. Ginley, A. Nojik, N. Armstrong, K. Honda, A. Fujishima, T. Sakata, and T. Kawai.
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