Everyday interactions with common manipulable objects require the integration of conceptual knowledge about objects and actions with real-time sensory information about the position, orientation and volumetric structure of the grasp target. The ability to successfully interact with everyday objects involves analysis of visual form and shape, surface texture, material properties, conceptual attributes such as identity, function and typical context, and visuomotor processing supporting hand transport, grasp form, and object manipulation. Functionally separable brain regions across the dorsal and ventral visual pathways support the processing of these different object properties and, in cohort, are necessary for functional object use. Object-directed grasps display end-state-comfort: they anticipate in form and force the shape and material properties of the grasp target, and how the object will be manipulated after it is grasped. End-state-comfort is the default for everyday interactions with manipulable objects and implies integration of information across the ventral and dorsal visual pathways. We propose a model of how visuomotor and action representations in parietal cortex interact with object representations in ventral and lateral occipito-temporal cortex. One pathway, from the supramarginal gyrus to the middle and inferior temporal gyrus, supports the integration of action-related information, including hand and limb position (supramarginal gyrus) with conceptual attributes and an appreciation of the action goal (middle temporal gyrus). A second pathway, from posterior IPS to the fusiform gyrus and collateral sulcus supports the integration of grasp parameters (IPS) with the surface texture and material properties (e.g., weight distribution) of the grasp target. Reciprocal interactions among these regions are part of a broader network of regions that support everyday functional object interactions.
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