The recent application of pseudodifferential and Fourier integral operators and functional integral methods to the factored scalar Helmholtz equation has resulted in extended parabolic wave theories, corresponding path integral solutions, and a numerical marching algorithm for a variety of acoustic wave propagation problems. These known techniques are applied here to vector wave equations (Maxwell's and elasticity), resulting in new first-order Weyl pseudodifferential equations, which are recognized as exact one-way wave equations for transversely inhomogeneous environments. Perturbation treatments of the appropriate Weyl composition equations for the operator symbol matrix yield high-frequency and other asymptotic wave theories. Unlike the scalar Helmholtz equation case, the one-way vector equations (and a scalar analog provided by the Klein-Gordon equation of relativistic physics) require the solution of generalized quadratic operator equations. While these operator solutions do not have a simple formal representation as in the straightforward (acoustic) square root case, they are conveniently constructed in the Weyl pseudodifferential operator calculus. This is an exact formulation at the level of the wave field—no special symmetry and/or far-field assumptions are made. [Work supported by NSF, AFOSR, ONR.]