The most widely used languages and methods used for designing digital hardware fall into two rough categories. One of them, register transfer level (RTL), requires specifying each and every component in the designed circuit. This gives the designer full control, but burdens the designer with many trivial details. The other, the high-level synthesis (HLS) method, allows the designer to abstract the details of hardware away and focus on the problem being solved. This method however cannot be used for a class of hardware design problems because the circuit's clock is also abstracted away. We present YieldFSM, a hardware description language that uses the generator abstraction to represent clock-level timing in a digital circuit. It represents a middle ground between the RTL and HLS approaches: the abstraction level is higher than in RTL, but thanks to explicit information about clock-level timing, it can be used in applications where RTL is traditionally used. We also present the YieldFSM compiler, which uses methods developed by the functional programming community -- including continuation-passsing style translation and defunctionalization -- to translate YieldFSM programs to Mealy machines. It is implemented using Template Haskell and the Clash functional hardware description language. We show that this approach leads to short and conceptually simple hardware descriptions.
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