In a series of recent works, attention has been paid to the functional properties of the avian eggshell: water vapor and respiratory gas conductances, water loss, metabolic rate and incubation time-all these major physiological characteristics of eggs may be closely and intimately related to egg mass, which, in turn, is allometrically related to eggshell structural properties such as thickness, porosity, mass, density and surface area (Wangensteen 1972, Ar et al. 1974, Rahn and Ar 1974, Paganelli et al. 1974, Rahn et al. 1974, Ar and Rahn 1978). These structural and functional relations of bird eggs reveal some variables of importance to the physiology of the embryo, including the gradient in water vapor pressure between egg and nest, the fractional water loss constant, the constancy of gas composition in the air cell, and total oxygen consumption per gram egg during incubation. The ability to hatch successfully is the outcome of a delicate equilibrium among several factors, some of which are inherited in the structure and function of the egg itself, while others are either imposed on the egg by the environment or controlled by the incubating parents. The eggshell provides the egg with an external “skeletal” support that utilizes the dome principle to obtain strength with economy in building material and without need for internal supporting posts. It must satisfy conflicting demands: On the one hand, it must be strong enough to support the incubating bird’ s mass plus the egg’ s own mass and to protect and prevent it from being crushed during incubation. On the other hand, it must not be too strong for the hatchling to break its way out, a problem that may become crucial in bigger eggs where shell thickness increases and the specific metabolic rate of the embryo decreases (Paganelli et al. 1974, Rahn et al. 1974). The ratio of total shell pore area to shell thickness is largely evolved to meet the forthcoming metabolic demands of the growing embryo, which in turn, are a function of mass (Ar et al. 1974). Adding to this the belief that any saving in building material should benefit the laying bird, we hypothesize that eggshell strength should be related to egg mass. Eggshells have been subjected to numerous strength tests in the past. They have been crushed, cracked, pierced, snapped, compressed, bent and deformed in various ways. Force has been applied inwards and outwards, on whole eggs and on pieces of shells. Various methods and instrumentations have been used (Brooks 1960, Tyler and Geake 1963, 1964, Tyler and Coundon 1965, Tyler and Thomas 1966, Carter 1971, Scott et al. 1971). However, most of these studies were designed to establish practical “quality” criteria as they are understood by the poultry industry (Petersen 1965). As a result, most of the research has been concentrated on domestic hen (Gallus domesticus) eggs and little has been published on other species (Romanoff and Romanoff 1949, Brooks 1960, Tyler 1969a, Radcliffe 1970, Peakall et al. 1973). Strength has been correlated with factors such as calcium diet, diet in general, insecticides, shell microstructure, specific gravity, incubation period and shape index (e.g., Sluka et al. 1967, Wells 1967a, b, Vanderstoep and Richards 1969, Connor and Arnold 1972, King and Robinson 1972, Cooke 1973, Carter 1976). However, Tyler (196913) clearly demonstrated that the main factor affecting strength in hen eggs is shell thickness, where strength is a function of shell thickness squared. It is our purpose here to describe how egg strength scales with mass. We do not try to explain the relationship, but rather attempt to define the common principles that emerge from this relationship.