Index of amino acids is useful for extracting amino acid preference, which have large statistical noise [1]. Peaks of local average of appropriate index indicate clusters of preferable amino acids, because the statistical noise may be reduced by the averaging procedure. For example, hydrophobicity (hydropathy) index is very useful for visualizing hydrophobic segments in transmembrane helices [2]. However, characteristic preference of polar amino acids at the end regions of transmembrane helices has not been indexed for far. The propensity study of amino acids membrane proteins indicated that the polar residues, lysine, arginine and tryptophan, are preferable to the end region of transmembrane helices. Therefore, this preference of amino acids may become useful parameter for the prediction of transmembrane helical segments [3, 4]. In this work, a novel index of polar amino acids, which we call amphiphilicity index. The amphiphilicity index has finite values for larger polar residues (K, R, H, E, Q, W and Y), whereas the index was zero for small polar residues and hydrophobic residues. The value of amphiphilicity index showed good correlation with the propensity of amino acids at the end regions. When the local average of seven-residue window was plotted as a function of amino acid sequences, most peaks of the amphiphilicity index contained the end points of transmembrane helices, suggesting the possibility to improve the accuracy of transmembrane prediction.
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