Publisher Summary This chapter focuses on attention and its important role in cognition. The chapter discusses the relationship between attentional mechanisms and higher order cognitive processes such as frontal lobe functions in health and disease, and speculates about the relationship between attention and wisdom. The higher order cognitive abilities depend on attention. In particular intimately related to arousal and attention are executive functions, also called frontal lobe functions, although their biological substrates involve many brain regions. The chapter reviews the cholinergic hypothesis particularly as it relates to the role of nicotine in attention. The effects of cholinergic drugs in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other dementias are also discussed. The chapter presents data on the effects of cholinergic drugs in normal individuals and discusses the implications for cholinergic cognitive enhancement. Several cholinesterase inhibitors are available around the world, and are of relatively comparable efficacy although they vary somewhat in their side effects. Clearly, these drugs are only the first efforts to improve the cognitive function in dementias and represent some modest success for rational drug development.