A new 2-D full-wave code, HYPERION, employing a poloidal and toroidal mode expansion and including the toroidal terms arising in the wave equation has been developed. It is based on the existing modules developed for the MHD stability codes and uses as input the tokamak equilibria calculated with the RSTEQ code. At present the plasma response is described by the collisionally broadened cold plasma conductivity. However, the code is written in straight field line coordinates, this permits the accurate representation of k /sub /parallel// and as a consequence allows the incorporation of the plasma Z functions. This code also retains the E/sub /parallel// component of the electric field which will allow the study of the low density region of the plasma. We have done detailed benchmarking of the HYPERION code in the cold plasma limit with the existing finite difference ORION full-wave code. The agreement is very good.