The article presents the results of a study of student satisfaction with the quality of education. Relevance. The need to take into account the satisfaction of graduate students with the education they receive plays a big role in improving the educational process of a modern higher education institution. Students’ positive assessment of the educational process is considered as the leading criterion for improving the organization of educational and cognitive activities. Purpose of the study: to identify the satisfaction of final year students of the Smolensk State University of Sports with the quality of education. Materials, methods and organization of the study. During the study of satisfaction with the quality of education at SSUS, a sociological survey was conducted among full-time graduate students (n = 48) based on the use of Google Forms. Among the respondents, 54.2 % are students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports; 45.8 % — physical culture and health technologies; in the following areas: «Sport» 37.5 % of respondents are studying, «Physical education for persons with health problems (PA)» — 27.1 %, «Physical education» — 18.8%, «Recreation and sports and health tourism» — 12.5 %, «Tourism» and «Organization of work with youth» 2.1 % each. Results and its discussion. It was revealed that a third of the respondents indicated a desire to master the profession for which training is carried out at the university; 17 % noted the fame and prestige of the university; 13 % — high quality of teaching; 10 % indicated no other choice; The majority of students (71 %) are confident in the correct choice of their future profession. When assessing educational activities, students assigned the highest scores to: objectivity in the assessment of their knowledge by teachers and respectful attitude; compliance of the information presented by the teacher with the subject matter; availability of internship. Most of the surveyed students (63 %) were completely satisfied with the results of their studies, 29 % were partially satisfied; the results of studying at the university fully meet the expectations of 54 % of respondents. The majority of students (90%) rated the quality of the organization of the educational process as «good» and «excellent ». 88 % of respondents were satisfied with the organization of educational (industrial) internships, as they received real skills and abilities useful for future work. Respondents rated the level of their own theoretical and practical preparedness in their chosen specialty as high (46 and 69 %, respectively), average (48 and 23 %, respectively), low (2 % each), and found it difficult to answer (4 and 6 %, respectively). It should be noted that, according to 61 % of students, SSUS corresponds to the idea of the ideal of higher education.
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