The study of the current state of biobibliography of Buryatia, presented in the library web envi-ronment, was the purpose of this article. The author used methods of comparative analysis, monitoring of the web environment, bibliographic. The research results should include a representation of the forms of bio-bibliographic information that exists in the library web environment. The comparative characteristics of Internet resources contributes to the discovery of specifics in the creation of infor-mation products by libraries of various types and types. Links to websites identified in the process of studying the electronic environment can be used as a guide to the bio-bibliographic resources of the libraries of the republic. The article reflects bio-bibliographic information on library websites, which is publicly available. Traditional bio-bibliographic indexes are reviewed – digital copies and electronic versions of printed publications, original bibliographic products, complex electronic resources, databases that combine elements of bio-bibliographic, reference, full-text materials. Data on information products of scientific and public libraries was revealed: the National Library of the Republic of Buryatia, universities, the Buryat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BSC SB RAS), the Republican Library for Children and Youth, centralized library systems of the city of Ulan-Ude and the republic. Bibliographic information in the form of indexes, dictionaries (“Who's Who”), databases (“Teachers' Works”, etc.) has a special place on the websites of scientific libraries of universities: Buryat State University, East Siberian State University of Technology and Management, Buryat State Agricultural Academy, East-Siberian State Institute of Culture. The website of the Central Scientific Library of the BSC SB RAS reflects the “Works of the BSC SB RAS employees” in the same heading, information on memorial libraries of prominent scientists in the field of physical and mathematical sciences, literary criticism, art history, ethnography, oriental studies. The website of the National Library of the Republic of Buryatia provides the most valuable edi-tions of local history topics: electronic versions of printed publications, reference and bibliographic databases, and electronic collections dedicated to prominent figures of the republic. Republican library for children and youth, Central City Library named after I.K. Kalashnikov, the centralized library sys-tems of Ulan-Ude and the republic are created and distributed in the Internet space, mainly bio-bibliographic information of recommendatory nature, in order to popularize the personality of the writer, public figure, war hero, historical character. Conclusions are made about the diversity of forms of bio-bibliographic information in the library web environment and, at the same time, the need to achieve common organizational and methodologi-cal approaches of libraries to create bio-bibliography in the republic and its presentation in the Internet space. The general picture of the state of biobibliography considered in the article, the mentioned names of famous figures of the republic give a curtailed knowledge about of the development of science, culture and other areas of public life in the past and in modern times.
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