As described in the paper by John Mather and Tom Kelsall, theCOBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) project is designed tomake a substantial improvement in our knowledge of the condition in the universe at large red shifts. The focus of themission is to study attributes of the primeval cosmic background radiation and to set limits on the universal radiationenergy density at shorter wavelengths - radiation emanatingfrom distant sources but at later times than the primevalfireball. In introducing the accompanying paper, I thoughtit might be worthwhile to describe the scientific strategy drivingthe COBE mission.The COBE mission has been under study since 1974 by ateam of scientists consisting of S. Gulkis (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), M. Hauser (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), J.Mather (NASA), G. Smoot (University of California, Berkeley),R. Weiss (MIT), and D. Wilkinson (Princeton). The teammembers have been involved in ground based, balloon borneand airborne experiments to measure the background radiationand are keenly aware of limitations of these platforms and thearguments in favor of a space borne experiment. It is worthrepeating these arguments:(1) Freedom from atmospheric emission and fluctuationsin the emission.(2) Full sky coverage with a single instrument.(3) A benign and controlled thermal environment to reducesystematic errors.(4) The ability to perform absolute primary calibration inflight without the necessity of windows to avoid condensationof the atmosphere on calibrators and instruments.(5) Sufficient time both to perform tests for systematicerrors and to gain the increase in sensitivity permitted byextended observation time.In planning the COBE mission, the team came to know thepeculiar difficulties of carrying out a space mission. Aside fromthe ever present problem of maintaining the project within anassigned budget, the mission had to be designed so that it wouldstill be the "right thing to do" in the field after the 5 to 10years it takes between initial planning and execution. One hadto anticipate the progress that could still be made by usingother platforms and blend this with the fact that in the spacemission one would be dealing with technology that was 3 to5 years behind the state of the art (to allow time for spacequahfication).In an interim report to NASA in 1977, the conclusion of theteam was that the technology was sufficiently advanced and theinstrument systematic noise sources were well enoughunderstood or controllable so that the major limitation in aspace mission to perform precision measurements of the background would be the "noise" produced by the local astrophysical environment. The complement of instruments chosenfor the mission, as well as the need for full sky coverage andextended observation time, are based primarily on the hopethat the local astrophysical "noise" can be discriminated fromthe cosmic background by its peculiar set of spectra and anisotropic angular distribution. In the COBE mission, the datafrom one instrument truly serves to enhance the value of thatfrom another. Examples of this are discussed in theaccompanying paper.