15-16 December 2022, Rome, Italyhttps://www.aivela.org/xxx_meeting/A.I.VE.LA. – the Italian Association of Laser Velocimetry and non-invasive diagnostics is a non-profit cultural association whose objective is to promote and support research in the field of non-contact or minimally invasive measurement techniques, particularly of electromagnetic-based and optical techniques.Through its Annual Meeting, AIVELA aims at creating an active and stimulating forum where current research results and technical advances can be exchanged and the development of new systems for laboratory use, field testing and industrial application can be promoted. The techniques addressed include Laser Doppler Anemometry – LDA, Phase Doppler Anemometry – PDA, Image Velocimetry – PIV, Flow visualization techniques, Spectroscopic measurement techniques (LIF, Raman, etc.), Laser Doppler Vibrometry – LDV, Speckle Pattern Interferometry – ESPI, Holographic techniques, Shearography, Digital Image Correlation – DIC, Moiré techniques, Structured light techniques, Infrared imaging, Photoelasticity, Image based measurement techniques, Ultrasonic sensing, Acoustic and Aeroacoustic measurements, etc.The first Annual Meeting was held back in October 1992 and, since then, the event has met large consensus among the research and scientific communities worldwide for the high scientific interest of the papers presented.The XXX AIVELA Annual National Meeting was organised in collaboration with Niccolò Cusano University and was held in Rome, Italy.The Programme featured 2 Invited lectures, 4 tutorials by instrumentation manufacturers, 19 papers organised into 5 Technical Sessions, and a session entirely dedicated to manufacturers.All presentations were plenary. The Invited lecturers had respectively 30 and 40 minutes each to deliver their talks, including possible discussion and Q&As at the end of their presentations, manufacturers had about 40 minutes each for the tutorials, including possible discussion and Q&As at the end of their presentations, whereas the speakers had 15 mins each followed by 5 mins for possible discussion and Q&As.35 participants attended the event. Most of them were from Italy, since it was the Association’s National event, but there was also one attendee from the Netherlands and one from Australia.The official language of the Meeting was English.This volume contains a selection of the papers presented at the event.The full Programme of the Meeting can be found at:https://www.aivela.org/xxx_meeting/.Trusting our Association and its initiatives will meet your interest, I wish to thank you in advance for your kind attention and hope to meet you soon at one of our events.List of Scientific Committee, Invited Lecturers are available in this Pdf.
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