It is shown that a principal right ideal domain, having the property that every right module has a maximal submodule must be simple. Strong conditions satisfied by these rings are deduced giving evidence for the conjecture that they must be V-rings. We also generalize an example of Faith by showing that a subring of an infinite dimensional full linear ring, which contains the socle of that is never a left V-ring. Cozzens [1] and Kolfmann [31 gave striking examples of simple principal right ideal domains which are right V-rings (every simple module is injective). These examples answer two questions of Faith, whether there exists a nonsemisimple, simple, noetherian V-ring, and whether every V-ring is regular; and Bass' question, whether a over which every right module has a maximal submodule (a max ring) must be right perfect. Interest in these examples is enhanced by the fact that, being simple domains, they are highly nonregular and highly nonperfect, thus answering the last two questions, very reasonable ones given the state of knowledge at the time, very definitively in the negative. They show that in the noncommutative case (see [31 for the commutative case) the hypothesis R is a max ring does not seem to place very strong conditions on R. Now the most general proof of the fact that these rings are simple comes from a theorem of Faith [2, p. 1301, that any V-ring which is an order in a semisimple must be a product of simple rings. Our first purpose is to show that in fact if is a right P.I.D., as the examples cited are, then one needs only assume that is a right max in order to conclude that is simple. This result seems interesting because it seems to be an exception to the apparent weakness of the max hypothesis as cited in the previous paragraph. Received by the editors April 19, 1974. AMS (MOS) subject classifications (1970). Primary 16A04, 16A30; Secondary 16A42, 16A46.
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