In this paper we study the ring of invariants Hn of Un(Fp), the upper triangular group with l ' s on the main diagonal, as a module over the ring of invariants D, of GIn(Fp), the full general linear group, over the finite field Fp for p a prime, both groups acting as algebra automorphisms of the polynomial algebra Fp[Xl,... ,xn]. Both of these rings of invariants are known to be polynomial algebras Hn = Fp[hl . . . . . hn] and Dn = Fp[dl,~,..., d,,,], (see Sect. 3). The latter ring of invariants is known as the ring of Dickson invariants. Now D, serves as a homogeneous system of parameters for H,,. In other words H,, is a finitely generated module over D,, and since /am is a polynomial algebra and hence Cohen-Macaulay, H, is, in fact, a free Dn-module, (see Sect. 2). In this situation, we have a lot of information concerning this module structure. In particular, there is a Poincar~ polynomial which gives the number and dimension of the elements in a free basis. This polynomial admits a factorization (Sect. 5) which suggests a free basis of a certain form and we are able to show that the suggested basis is indeed a basis, see Theorem 6.3. Once we have a free basis, we may define a natural epimorphism of D,modules ~ : Hn --~ Dn as follows. Any free basis contains 1, since Dn C H~ and so any polynomial h c H~ admits a unique expression h = d 9 1 + f where d E D, and f is a Dn-linear combination of the non-trivial basis elements. We define ~(h) -d, given our particular choice of basis. We think of ~ as 'rewriting' since the value of ~ on h is calculated from the unique expression for h in terms of our basis. On the other hand, it is well-known that U,(Fp) is a p-Sylow subgroup of Gl,(Fp). Since this is the case, we may define another natural epimorphism of D,-modules p:Hn ~ D, by averaging h ~ Hn over a set of coset
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