Background/Objectives: Nutrition incentive programs can increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables and improve food security among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants and others in the United States. This qualitative study explored SNAP participants’ and farmers’ market staff’s perceptions of and experiences with a pilot supplemental benefit program offered at seven farmers’ markets in 2023 as part of the California Fruit and Vegetable Electronic Benefit Transfer Pilot Project. The pilot introduced specific characteristics that differ from more traditional nutrition incentive program dollar-for-dollar match incentive models, particularly the traditional model operating in California. Specific differences included the following: (1) offering a monthly USD 60 supplemental benefit that could be redeemed in a single shopping trip; (2) providing the supplemental benefit as a match that could be spent on any SNAP-eligible item in any retail location (rather than solely on fruits and vegetables at the farmers’ market). Methods: We conducted a qualitative, cross-sectional study including seven focus groups with 40 SNAP shoppers and six focus groups with 14 farmers’ market staff at six pilot-participating farmers’ markets in California. All focus groups were conducted by trained research staff and were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using the immersion crystallization method. Results: Our findings include that shoppers appreciated several features of the pilot, particularly the ability to obtain an entire month’s supplemental benefit during one shopping trip and the ability to spend the benefit earned on any SNAP-eligible item at any SNAP retailer. Farmers’ market staff appreciated that the pilot benefited shoppers but found it difficult to manage due to staff and shopper confusion about the program, increased program utilization, subsequent long lines, and the spending of the earned incentives at other SNAP retailers. Both shoppers and staff reported that the program was difficult to understand. Conclusions: These findings can inform future nutrition incentive program designs to benefit SNAP participants while offering sustainable models for farmers’ markets.
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