Hypertension (HTN) is a significant global health challenge affecting billions of individuals worldwide. The prevalence of HTN varies considerably across the globe due to diverse factors, such as lifestyle influenced by culture, genetics, health care access, and socioeconomic conditions. Lifestyle modification has a substantial impact on blood pressure management; however, some cultural practices and behaviors affect recommended lifestyle modification strategies for HTN management. The purpose of this review was to explore lifestyle modification strategies for HTN management from a cultural perspective. Lifestyle modification, including physical activity, stress reduction, changes in dietary patterns (adopting a low-sodium diet and intake of fruit and vegetables), and weight management, provide an effective non-pharmacologic intervention for the management of hypertension. Individual’s cultural practices have the potential to determine their diet, physical activity levels, knowledge, and perception about HTN, adherence to treatment and medications, and the use of local herbal preparations for HTN management. Culture focuses on individuals’ belief, practices and how these beliefs and practices influence their lifestyle behaviors for HTN management. It is important to consider patients’ cultural beliefs before recommending lifestyle behaviors for HTN management.