
Analysis of secondary plant compounds for the development of novel therapies is a common focus of experimental biomedicine. Currently, multiple health-supporting properties of plant-derived molecules are known but still information on many mechanisms is scarce. Cinnamic acid and caffeic acid are two of the most abundant polyphenols in human dietary fruits and vegetables. In this study, we investigated cinnamic acid and caffeic acid effects on the gastric barrier, which is primarily provided by members of the transmembrane tight junction protein family of claudins. The Xenopus laevis oocyte has been established, in recent years, as a heterologous expression system for analysis of transmembrane tight junction protein interactions, by performing paired oocyte experiments to identify an effect on protein-protein interactions, in vitro. In our current study, human gastric claudin-4, -5, and -18.2. were expressed and detected in the oocyte plasma membrane by freeze fracture electron microscopy and immunoblotting. Oocytes were paired and incubated with 100 µM or 200 µM cinnamic acid or caffeic acid, or Ringer's solution, respectively. Caffeic acid showed no effect on the contact area strength of paired oocytes but led to an increased contact area size. In contrast, cinnamic acid-incubated paired oocytes revealed a reduced contact area and a strengthening effect on the contact area was identified. These results may indicate that caffeic acid and cinnamic acid both show an effect on gastric barrier integrity via direct effects on tight junction proteins.

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