Air pollution poses a significant threat to global public health, contributing to high rates of mortality and morbidity. India, home to the world's largest population of children, is particularly affected. This study aims to identify effective strategies to mitigate the adverse health impacts of air pollution on this vulnerable group. The study utilized directed content analysis using a deductive approach and purposeful sampling to carry out in-depth interviews with researchers, academicians, paediatricians, public health experts, and climate change experts from different organizations in India. In total, 17 interviews were conducted over two months in March and April 2024 until data saturation was reached. A total of 29 subcategories were extracted. The main sub-categories include strategies for reducing indoor emissions and multisectoral emission reduction, strategies to reduce exposure at home, schools and transit, strategies for public awareness, effective communication, health sector communication and awareness, and raising awareness by frontline workers and educational institutions, strategies for capacity building of health sector and frontline stakeholders, strategies for building research and knowledge translation, strategies forvertical and horizontal collaboration, strategies for child-centric policies, school closure policies, fiscal policies, comprehensive policymaking, sectoral policymaking, advocacy in policymaking, strategies for monitoring, and strategies for mother and child health. The results of this study indicate that mitigating the adverse health impacts of pollution for children would entail a multi-pronged approach encompassing effective communication and education strategies and awareness raising of important stakeholders such as health professionals, community, grassroots-level workers, parents, teachers and children. Such strategies could be useful to trigger the desired change in behaviour of all concerned. Also, there is a need for collaboration and partnership between various stakeholders and ministries as policy-making bodies. There is a need to build on the research and strengthen the monitoring and surveillance.
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