Since the appearance of the celebrated work by V. Jones on index of subfactors, combinatorial structures behind the theory have been exploited extensively. In the original approach of V. Jones, these are described in terms of higher relative commutants of towers of algebras, which turn out to be complete invariants for amenable subfactors by a recent result of S. Popa. Parallel to this approach, A. Ocneanu presented the invariant in a combinatorially more satisfactory way (so called paragroups) based on which he reached his classification result of subfactors of index smaller than 4. In our previous paper we have described the basics in bimodules to pursue the Ocneanu’s approach, where categorical structures underlies behind the whole theory. This point of view has been particularly useful in algebraic studies of Jones index theory ([9], [14], [15], [27]). This categorical structure turns out to be more fundamental and it deserves separate studies which is the main concern in the present paper. Since we aim at applications in operator algebras or unitary representation theory, the category considered below are mostly assumed to have ∗-structure in the sense that morphisms behave like bounded linear operators between Hilbert spaces. Clearly the category of bimodules accomodates such structures and more importantly it admits monoidal structure by taking relative tensor products. Other than such more or less explicit structures, the category of bimodules (of finite Jones index) bears some metrical information which is directly related to minimal expectations in subfactor theory and has an intimate relation to the notion of connections in paragroups. By translating some of basic properties of minimal expectations, this distinguished structure, referred to as Frobenius duality in this paper, is organized into a set of axioms, which turns out to be basic ingredients in Frobenius reciprocity. Starting with a Frobenius duality in a monoidal category, we then