Evidence suggests that interpersonal stress plays a role in maintaining binge eating and purging (e.g., self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives). Stress is especially likely to promote engagement in maladaptive behaviour if the behaviour is habitual; therefore, individuals whose binge eating and/or purging are habitual may be particularly likely to engage in these behaviours in the context of interpersonal stress. We aimed to investigate this hypothesis in a sample of women with binge eating and/or purging using ecological momentary assessment (EMA). Women (N=81) with binge-eating and/or purging symptoms completed a self-report measure assessing habit strength of binge eating and purging followed by a 14-day EMA protocol assessing daily perceived interpersonal stress and binge-eating and purging episodes. Habit strength of purging moderated the within-person effect of interpersonal stress on purging frequency, such that higher daily stress was associated with greater same-day purging frequency when purging was more habitual. Contrary to expectations, the interactive effect of habit strength of binge eating and daily interpersonal stress on same-day binge-eating frequency was non-significant. Findings suggest that individuals with habitual purging may be vulnerable to engaging in purging when they are experiencing high levels of interpersonal stress.
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