<p>The 18<sup>th</sup> edition of the French Rabbit Days (Journées de la Recherche Cunicole) was organized by the association CUNICULTURE, in association with the INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) and the ASFC (French Branch of the WRSA), in Nantes, during one and a half days 27-28 May 2019. A total of 32 peer reviewed communications, including 3 synthesis, were orally presented to about 90 attendants. The 2 most relevant subjects were 1/ studies on and possibilities of control of the viral haemorrhagic disease caused by the new RHDV2, and 2/ control of digestive disorders, particularly coccidiosis, with nonchemical feed additives or diet formulation. One part of the communications was also devoted to the efforts made for the promotion of rabbit meat in France and to the comportment of consumers in relation with rabbit meat. The full texts of the communications, in French, are available on the WRSA website at the URL : <a href="http://world-rabbit-science.com/Other-Proceedings/2019-18th%20Rabbit%20Days/000-E-Book-JRC2019.pdf">http://world-rabbit-science.com/Other-Proceedings/2019-18th%20Rabbit%20Days/000-E-Book-JRC2019.pdf</a></p>
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