In this paper we study the stack Tg of smooth triple covers of a conic; when g � 5 this stack is embedded Mg as the locus of trigonal curves. We show that Tg is a quotient (Ug/ g), where g is a certain algebraic group and Ug is an open subscheme of a g-equivariant vector bundle over an open subscheme of a representation of g. Using this, we compute the integral Picard group of Tg when g > 1. The main tools are a result of Miranda that describes a flat finite triple cover of a scheme S as given by a locally free sheaf E of rank two on S, with a section of Sym 3 E det E _ , and a new description of the stack of globally generated locally free sheaves of fixed rank and degree on a projective line as a quotient stack. In moduli theory, stacks have often been constructed as quotients by group actions. If an algebraic stack F is a quotient stack (X=G), where G is an algebraic group acting on an algebraic variety X, the geometry of F is the geometry of the action of G on X, and one can apply to F the powerful techniques that have been developed for studying invariants of group actions in algebraic topology and algebraic geometry. Even just knowing that such a presentation exists, even without an explicit description of the action, can be useful: but it is even better when the variety X and the group G are fairly simple, so that this description may be used directly to study F. This does not seem possible in many cases: for example, the stack Mg of smooth curves of genus g is of the form (X=G), but when g is large the space X is complicated, and to our knowledge no general result about Mg has been proved by exploiting this presentation. (Of course, in Teichmuller theory one represents Mg as a quotient of an action of the Teichmuller group, which is an infinite discrete group, acting on a ball in C 3g−3 , but this description is topological, and it is hard to use it directly to prove algebraic geometric results about Mg.) It has long been known that in characteristic different from 2 and 3, the stack M1;1 of elliptic curves is a quotient ((X=Gm)), where X is the complement of the hypersurface 4x 3 + 27y 2 = 0 in A 2 , and Gm acts with weights 4 and 6. This gives an easy proof of the fact, due to Mumford ((Mum65)), that the Picard group of M1;1 is cyclic of order 12. In (Vis98), the second author gives a presentation of M2 as a quotient (X=GL2), where X is the scheme of smooth binary forms of degree 6 in two variables (the action of GL2 on X is a twist of the customary one). As an application he computes the Chow ring of M2. This was generalized in (AV04) to the stack Hg of hyperelliptic curves of genus g, which has a presentation as a quotient (Xg=GL2) (if g is even), or (Xg=(GmPGL2)) (if g is odd), where X is the space of smooth binary forms of degree 2g + 2 in two variables; this allows