Fifteen Swiss-type cheeses were evaluated by a flavor profile method. The cheeses also were analyzed for free fatty acids in whole cheese and in the oil phase and for proteolysis, pH, carbonyls, and gross composition. The flavor notes and chemical parameters were grouped by factor analysis and correlated. Factor analysis showed that many of the free fatty acids varied together. The free fatty acid groups consisted of normal short-chain fatty acids (C4 to C10), long-chain fatty acids (C12 to C18), and branched short-chain and aromatic acids. Many of the flavor notes also were correlated. Characteristic Swiss cheese flavor notes were correlated with low pH, lipolysis, and acetic and propionic acids. Other flavors were negatively correlated with the oil to cheese distribution of many of the free fatty acids and positively correlated with pH, salt concentration, proteolysis, moisture, branched and aromatic acids, and carbonyls.