H. O. Cordes investigated a C*-algebra C of singular integral operators on a polycylinder Ω=ℝn×B and defined symbol homomorphisms\(\sigma :C \to C(\mathbb{M}),\gamma :C \to CB(\mathbb{E},C_x )\) where\(\mathbb{M}\) is a certain compact space,\(\mathbb{E} = \partial \mathbb{B}^n \times \mathbb{R}_n \) and Cx is the Laplace comparison algebra of the compact space B (cf. [2]). We give a characterization of the Frechet algebra C∞⊂C obtained as the closure of a certain algebra of ψ dos in the topology generated by all HS norms. We define Bρ:L(HS)→L(HS)(ρɛS) by analogy with [4, 7] and prove that Bρ maps C into C∞ continuously. As a corollary we get\(\sigma (C_\infty ) = C(\mathbb{M})\), generalizing surjectivity results from [4] and [7]. It seems that no characterization of γ(C∞) is known, but it is clear that\(\gamma (C_\infty ) \subset CB(\mathbb{E},\mathcal{P}_\infty )\) where\(\mathcal{P}_\infty \) is the Frechet algebra studied in [1] and [7].