Physical frailty and cognitive impairment are associated and often coexist in older adults. What is unknown is: (1) whether there are sentinel patterns in the temporal development of physical frailty and cognitive impairment; (2) whether these patterns reflect different etiologies; and (3) whether health of older adults is deferentially impacted depending on their order and rate of occurrence. To begin to address these questions, the studies present longitudinal evidence from three prospective epidemiological cohorts: the National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHAT; n=7,439), the Women’s Health and Aging Study II (WHAS; n=436), and the Yale Precipitating Events Project (PEP; n=754). Talk 1 discusses temporal orders in the development of frailty and cognitive impairment in the NHATS, and their relationship with multimorbidity and onset of dementia. Talk 2 uses data from WHAS to examine the role of dysregulation across multiple physiological systems involving stress response and energy metabolism in the onset of cognitive impairment and frailty. Talk 3 assesses the associations of frailty and cognitive impairment separately versus jointly with cumulative 5-year incidence of ADL disability in NHATS, while accounting for competing risk of mortality. Talk 4 analyzed patterns of joint trajectories of cognition and frailty and their associations with patient-reported health outcomes in PEP. Taken together, findings from these studies provide preliminary evidence supporting the hypothesis that cognitive impairment and physical frailty result in part from distinct physiological processes; and the varying patterns of symptom emergence may signal different etiologic pathways, which would require different interventions.
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