In open-pit extraction of minerals emit large amounts of harmful dust fractions and gas into the atmosphere. This leads to atmospheric pollution in open pit and sanitary protection zones. The largest dust emissions are observed during blasting operations in open pits. This is especially the cases when unfavorable meteorological conditions occur, means of dust sup-pression are not sufficiently effective, blasting technology was violated. Dust particles are known to be able to propagate long distances from the source of the explosion. Dust fractions up to 10 µm diameter are the most dangerous, as they are the main risk factor for the devel-opment of chronic respiratory diseases. In particular, according to European standards, the average daily concentration of dust particles with a diameter between 2.5 and 10 µm should not exceed 0.05 mg/m3. The paper estimates mass concentrations of dust fractions in the gas-dust cloud at the dynamic stage of its formation after a mass explosion in an iron ore open pit. The following assumptions were made in the calculations: no influence of the temperature factor (ejected air flows); dust particles are spherical; flow of dust fractions by the gas flow follows the Stokes law. The ranges of variation of ascent height and mass concentrations of dust fractions at the dynamic stage of gas-dust cloud formation are established. In particular, the lift height of the dust fraction is directly proportional to the value of the dynamic impulse. The differ-ence in mass concentrations of dust fractions in the gas-dust cloud is due to the physical and mechanical properties of rocks destroyed by boreholes explosive substance charge. When de-termining the mass concentrations of dust fractions, the results of experimental studies were used, which were carried out in the open pit of Ingulec Mining and Processing Combine. The graphical dependence of average mass concentrations of dust fractions depending on the height of their ascent at the dynamic stage of gas-dust cloud formation is presented, the re-gression equation in the form of a degree function is obtained. The results of calculations have shown that the greatest intensity of mass concentration increase in the gas-dust cloud at the dynamic stage of its formation is characteristic of dust fractions with diameter up to 31 μm. The intensity of growth of mass concentrations of larger dust fractions decreases markedly.
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