Birds Lightest in November Careful weighings of the North American house-finch (Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis), carried on throughout the year, show that in November the adults reach the minimum average of weight. J. L. Partin made more than 1,000 weighings of 800 individuals, and although the differences are not large, the lowest average (in November) being 93-7 per cent of the maximum which occurs in February, they point to a definite seasonal rhythm (Condor, 35, 60; 1933). From December to February, during which period the weight of both sexes surges upwards, the male birds were the heavier, but from April to July the weights of the females were consistently greater than those of the males, a difference due to the relatively greater increase of ovaries during the breeding season. Linsdale found a similar preponderance of weight in female fox-sparrows (Passerella iliaca) during that period.