Let \mathcal H be a noncommutative regular projective curve over a perfect field k . We study global and local properties of the Auslander–Reiten translation \tau and give an explicit description of the complete local rings, with the involvement of \tau . We introduce the \tau -multiplicity e_{\tau}(x) , the order of \tau as a functor restricted to the tube concentrated in x . We obtain a local-global principle for the (global) skewness s(\mathcal H) , defined as the square root of the dimension of the function (skew-) field over its centre. In the case of genus zero we show how the ghost group, that is, the group of automorphisms of \mathcal H which fix all objects, is determined by the points x with e_{\tau}(x) > 1 . Based on work of Witt we describe the noncommutative regular (smooth) projective curves over the real numbers; those with s(\mathcal H)=2 we call Witt curves. In particular, we study noncommutative elliptic curves, and present an elliptic Witt curve which is a noncommutative Fourier–Mukai partner of the Klein bottle. If \mathcal H is weighted, our main result will be formulae for the orbifold Euler characteristic, involving the weights and the \tau -multiplicities. As an application we will classify the noncommutative 2-orbifolds of nonnegative Euler characteristic, that is, the real elliptic, domestic and tubular curves. Throughout, many explicit examples are discussed.
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